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Saddle Roof Base - Galvanized -12 Inch

Saddle Roof Base - Galvanized -12 Inch

Saddle Roof Base - Galvanized - 8 Inch

Saddle Roof Base - Galvanized - 8 Inch

Saddle Roof Base - Galvanized - 6 Inch

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The Saddle Roof Base is made for installation on the ridge or peak of the roof, straddling the peak of the roof. Weather proof construction that features a large flange and heavy duty galvanized metal . Crimped for top for chimney cap or roof vent application including our globe vents, rain caps, Artis Vacuum Cap, Aero-foil or MVR ventilators. Please email us your roof slope pitch for proper construction.
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The Saddle Roof Base is made for installation on the ridge or peak of the roof, straddling the peak of the roof. Weather proof construction that features a large flange and heavy duty galvanized metal . Crimped for top for chimney cap or roof vent application including our globe vents, rain caps, Artis Vacuum Cap, Aero-foil or MVR ventilators. Please email us your roof slope pitch for proper construction.
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Size 6 inch
Metal Galvanized